Deep to Deep

Deep to Deep
Deep calls to deep at the sound of Thy waterfalls (Psalm 42:7)

What is Deep to Deep?

Deep to Deep is an opportunity for Christian bassists in Great Britain to meet, pray and play. In doing so we build up each other's skills, make useful contacts and hopefully encourage each other to return refreshed to using our bass in the place God has called us to serve.

It was dreamt up and organised by bassists who have linked up via the ChurchBass mailing list but is open to anyone who uses their bass in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Deep to Deep was the first such gathering of bassists to come out of that list, but there have since been others (some on a much grander scale) established in the USA — for a list, visit the ChurchBass website above and click on the Subscribers button.

To get a better idea of what Deep to Deep is about, read the short history of previous gatherings. The event, which began in 1997, now has over thirty gatherings behind it.

Deep to Deep, October 2013 - 8

When is Deep to Deep?

The time and place of the next Deep to Deep are still to be decided; probably a Saturday sometime in the spring of 2014. If you are a bassist and have a church or church hall we could use for free, track me down and get in touch.

The most recent Deep to Deep took place on Saturday 26 October 2013 at Hasbury Christian Fellowship, west of Birmingham. A report is available on my blog along with links to photos from the day. If you blog anything about a Deep to Deep event, please tag it deep2deep so it can be found online via services such as Flickr.

You can also read about some of the previous events:

There were some earlier events, too, but those are now lost in the mists of time!

Fender Mustang

Graham demonstrating his Fender Mustang; Deep to Deep presents plenty of chances to explore bass gear without shop assistants hovering round!

Where is Deep to Deep?

We have had meetings in locations from Bognor Regis on the South Coast, to Birmingham in the Midlands, with several stops in between. However, I am open to suggestions from any part of the UK; it could be in your neck of the woods next? If you are interested in offering a venue, drop me a line. Church halls with plenty of power points and not too many neighbours are ideal, especially if we can get them for free and thus avoid having any costs to pass on.

Even if you don't think you could host an event, let me know if you are interested in attending. Finally, spread the word to all the other Christian bass players you know. If you're online you already have a great big advantage in the ease of getting to know other bassists... one of the aims of Deep to Deep is to provide support for all Christian bassists, not just those who also have time to fiddle around on the Internet.

You can reach me by email although the spam barriers on that route can be quite intense so you may prefer to track me down on twitter (@basswulf) or Facebook (with a name like mine, I am fairly easy to find!).

Section Index: Bassing

Wulf's musical activities.

General background
I'm currently involved with the following bands and projects:
Deep to Deep
Gathering for christian bassists

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