Deep to Deep, September 2001

Deep calls to deep at the sound of Thy waterfalls (Psalm 42:7) Deep to Deep

We had another Deep to Deep meeting on 22 September 2001. This time the venue was a bit further north - Hasbury Christian Fellowship, Halesowen, Birmingham. Many thanks to Tim and Kevin for hosting us this time around.

Deep to Deep, September 2001

Groupshot: (Back Row) Kevin, Bruno, Andy, Jeremy, Ian, Tim, Magnus (front row) Wulf, Steve

Thanks to Steve for that picture. Below are some more pictures. The monochrome images were shot by Bruno with real film(!) and scanned by Andy before I started GIMPing them; the others were taken with my digital camera and then subjected to various post-process adjustments. Click on any of the images for a larger version.

Bass Lineup Steve and Kevin Andy on the Synergy 6
Andy and Ian Bruno's New Bass

Magnus and I arrived at about midday, by which time everybody else (Tim, Kevin, Bruno, Jeremy, Steve, Ian and Andy - and some wives and children) had already set up.

In the first session, I talked about the two effects boxes I use (Zoom 505II and LineOne DL-4) and demonstrated some of the capabilities, from building up vast sonic landscapes to sounding like a heavy metal lead guitarist. However, since the title was 'Tasteful Use of Effects', I also talked about how I make practical use of these tools in playing at church. We also heard how others were using effects and took some time to try each others toys out.

After lunch (and general milling around and chatting) Bruno was presented with his new Synergy bass, a six string fretless model.

Jeremy then picked up his Alembic bass and talked about building solo bass arrangements of hymns and other worship songs. He gave out some handouts illustrating a bass neck with the chord tones highlighted and then illustrated the kind of things he had achieved by playing a couple of his own arrangments.

At the end of the afternoon, I ran another session about playing techniques. This time I unplugged my effects and went straight into the amp in order to demonstrate the wide range of tones and styles that can be achieved with fingers alone. With contributions from everyone present we covered a wide range of different techniques - a good opportunity to pick up ideas to take away and use.

If you were there and think I've forgotten something important, let me know - equally, if you missed it and would like more details on one of the sections, contact me and I'll see if I can provide you with more details.

Section Index: Bassing

Wulf's musical activities.

General background
I'm currently involved with the following bands and projects:
Deep to Deep
Gathering for christian bassists

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